How can you join?
You may already know that as a Peak Body, HCA cannot accept individual members. This does not however mean that individual members do not receive direct benefits from being part of a Member Association. You can join any of the following Member Associations.
1. Accreditation Badges
As a HCA Accredited Practitioner you receive, and can display, the official HCA Accreditation Logo.

2. Highly Optimised National Register?
The National Register is a database of all HCA Accredited Practitioners. It was created in accordance with Federal Government in order to remain a self-governing profession. Now it has not just become a wonderful source of clients for many practitioners, it has also had the effect of improving the google rankings of individual practitioner websites.
3. Nationwide CPD Workshops
The mission of ISPA is to promote strategic approaches in therapy and coaching. To our knowledge, there is no other organization like it in the world. We are confident that Strategic approaches are worth investing in and will render you better client outcomes.
4. You are Represented at Government Levels
Because HCA is recognised as the Peak Body in Hypnotherapy you will be kept abreast of any law changes that affect your practice, and in many cases, HCA will go to bat for you regarding changes that are not supportive of the field.
Over the years HCA has ensured that you can run your practices with relative autonomy and certainty.
5. Stand out from the rest and separate yourself from the weekend hypnotherapist
As you may already know there is a whole industry of hypnotherapists who have little more than a long weekend of training but call themselves hypnotherapists. They are not eligible to join HCA Member Associations. They cannot secure HCA Accreditation.
This can be an important distinction when prospective clients are searching for a hypnotherapist.